Are you longing to shout your musings about weaning/episiotomies/playground politics/any-other-topic from the rooftops of the interweb?
Maybe you have just started toying with the idea of starting a blog and need a gentle nudge to take the plunge?
If you are nodding along to any of these things then listen up and listen good.
This is your nudge.
I am nudging because for some time now I have been spectacularly
failing at replying to all the emails and messages I receive from parents who
are asking for my advice about starting a blog, or asking if I could have a
quick read of a post they have written. I always promise myself that at the
very least I will reply with some words of encouragement because I know
first-hand that sharing your parenting thoughts online for all to
see/share/judge is actually quite a big deal (and also, if I’m honest, because
I strongly suspect that jotting down my own thoughts on this here blog has
saved me from myself a little bit). I’m not about to start droning on again
about how blogging has changed my life yadda yadda yadda because I have told
you all that before. (It totally has though, just FYI).
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(And it's super glamorous, as you can see) |
I’ll get on to this blogging opportunity in just a moment (I’m
wondering if ‘opportunity’ makes it sound like I'm pushing some kind of dodgy bloggy
pyramid scheme? I promise that’s not what’s going on here) but before explaining
what the hell I’m banging on about I thought I’d make a note of the one genuine
titbit of blogging advice I have sent back to parents (well, all those I managed
to reply to before shoegate hit the fan). It’s the advice I would prioritise over
everything else:
Be yourself.
Yes I
know it’s a cliché and might make me sound a bit wanky but it’s quite
possibly the most important direction I can offer. There is absolutely no point
trying to write in the style of somebody else, even if that’s a proven 'successful'
style because if it’s not really you it simply won’t sound right (it also
won’t flow, just like my Year 10 English essay). Equally, don’t be too scared
to write a post that’s similar in style or content to another you’ve read - the
crucial thing is that it doesn’t feel forced. Obviously it would be immensely shady
if you were to plagiarise another’s post and steal all their pictures but if
you fret about covering the same ground as another blogger whenever you write
then you’d never write anything! No two posts are exactly the same, anyway. The most
important thing is that you are writing something you feel inspired to write.
And if you are
feeling inspired to write then look no further…
Share your blog
with GoodtoKnow
Starting on June 1st (and on the 1st of every month
thereafter) a brand
new blogging platform: ‘Because I Said So (BISS)’ is being launched over
on the GoodtoKnow
website. Bloggers will be able to submit a favourite recent post to be
considered by a panel of judges (me included, hello!) and between us we’ll
choose five bloggers who will each get a paid guest blog spot on the website.
Better still, the blogger whose guest post attracts the greatest page traffic over
the course of a week will automatically land themselves a page in a future
issue of Essentials magazine.
Whether you are a brand new blogger, a vintage blogging pro,
a lapsed-but-returning blogger or somebody simply toying with the idea of
giving the whole blogging malarkey a go then this is an amazing chance to get
your writing shared online and possibly in print. (It’s also a great chance for
me to be nosey and read some blogs).
Further info and details about how to link up your blog post
to the GoodtoKnow website can be found here.
Go forth and blog! Good luck xx